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Sanya International Mango Industry Conference’s first day nets 360 Million Yuan

Print Updated: 2019-04-29

On March 7, the first Tropical Fruit Industry Expo and Sanya International Mango Industry Conference were held in Sanya. One hundred and fifty domestic and foreign purchasers attended the event. On its first day transaction volume amounted to 360 million yuan, and a number of agreements were reached in the follow-up reverse purchasing fair and at meetings around the island.

Tropical fruits are an important part of the characteristic high-efficiency tropical agriculture of Sanya, and the Sanya Mango is the most famous. As early as 1997, Sanya was named The Hometown of Mangos in China. And since 2012, the Sanya Mango has been recognized as a national geographical indication trademark, a famous trademark in Hainan Province and a famous agricultural product brand in Hainan. In 2018, Sanya's mango output reached 348,000 tons, accounting for 40% of the city's agricultural output. On December 13, 2018, the Sanya Mango and the Sanya Wax Apple were rated as quality agricultural products with Chinese characteristics.

The event will last until March 9. Its main contents include the Tour and the Opening Ceremony of the First Tropical Fruit Industry Expo, the Main Forum of the Sanya International Mango Industry Conference, the International Tropical Fruit Industry Sub-forum, the International Tropical Fruit Reverse Purchasing Fair and the Coordination Symposium, the Closed-door Meeting of the China Mango Industry Alliance, and the Launching Ceremony of the China Mango Industry Alliance. From March 9 to 10, the organizing committee will accompany purchasers on visits to tropical fruit production bases on the island to promote coordination of production and sales.

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