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Sanya holds exchange conference with European enterprises

Print english.sanya.gov.cn Updated: 2023-04-13

2023 Hainan FTP (Sanya) European Enterprises Exchange Conference is held in Haikou, Hainan province on April 11. [Photo/Sanya investment promotion bureau]

The 2023 Hainan Free Trade Port (Sanya) European Enterprises Exchange Conference was held in Haikou, Hainan province on April 11, during the third China International Consumer Products Expo.

Representatives from nearly 50 European enterprises and business associations, including the China Italian Chamber of Commerce (CICC), Header Group, Ferrari, Maserati, and the Italian Trade Commission, gathered together to promote economic and trade cooperation between Europe and Sanya.

At the promotion conference, officials from the Sanya investment promotion bureau presented the Hainan FTP's preferential policies, as well as Sanya's investment opportunities. Representatives from Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City and the Sanya CBD also provided detailed explanations of their perspectives on policy analysis, industry dynamics, and resource promotion.

The attending entrepreneurs discussed the Hainan FTP's policies, and Sanya's resources and industrial advantages.

Sheng Yongjun, a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Sanya Municipal Committee and vice-mayor of Sanya municipal people's government, stated that there are broad prospects for cooperation between Europe and Sanya. Sheng welcomed well-known European brands and enterprises and expanded the layout of Sanya's characteristic industries such as tourism, consumption, and cruise yachts, to encourage them to invest.

Paolo Bazzoni, president of the CICC, said that Sanya is one of the cities in China that are the most suitable for developing "maritime economy", which includes sailing, cruise ships, and yachts. For Italian companies, Sanya is a very important and valuable market. He stated that he will support their membership enterprises in finding more opportunities in Sanya, and will help them to deeply integrate into the Sanya market.

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