SF Airlines has launched an international connecting air cargo route linking up South China's Shenzhen and Sanya cities with Singapore, the air cargo carrier announced on Monday.
At 4:30 am June 30, 2024, a Rossiya Airlines plane carrying 184 passengers landed at Sanya Phoenix International Airport from Krasnoyarsk, Russia, marking the Sanya-Krasnoyarsk air route resuming operation.
Since Sept 25, 2023, Hainan province has opened and operated six international cruise tourism routes.
With the take-off of flight MU551 from South China's Sanya Phoenix International Airport to London Heathrow at 08:39 am on Friday, China Eastern Airlines became the first Chinese airliner to launch a regular passenger flight from Sanya in Hainan province to Europe since the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the Shanghai-based carrier.
Thursday, about 194 passengers arrived at Sanya Phoenix International Airport, South China's Hainan province from Busan, South Korea.
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