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Sanya adds one more national 3A-level scenic area

Print english.sanya.gov.cn Updated: 2024-04-02

The beautiful Sanya Tianxing Forest Park. [Photo/Sanya Daily]

Recently, Sanya Tianxing Forest Park has been officially recognized for meeting the stringent requirements for the national 3A-level scenic area standard, solidifying its status as a national 3A-level scenic area.

Formerly known as Nantian Tropical Botanical Garden, Sanya Tianxing Forest Park is located south of Taling village in Tianya district. It is an excellent destination for flower appreciation.

The park features various ecological zones, including the Orchid World, Exotic Fruit Garden, Soilless Cultivation Zone, Tropical Fruit Garden, Ocean Hall, Nantian Fragrant Tea House, and Folk Custom Garden.

Each zone has its unique features, allowing visitors to not only enjoy sightseeing but also to learn about a variety of tropical plants and experience ethnic customs.

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