
Recommended 'city walk' routes in Sanya

Print english.sanya.gov.cn Updated: 2023-08-08

Sanya is a world-renowned tourist destination. It is home to many famous tourist attractions and welcomes thousands of visitors every day.

However, if you want to discover a different side of this enchanting city, here are some recommended "city walk" routes.

1.Haiyue Square - Coconut Dream Corridor - Mi Cafe

The best time to take a walk in Sanya Bay is in the afternoon before sunset. Start from Haiyue Square and walk west along the coast.

In the Coconut Dream Corridor, the tall and straight coconut trees and lush lawns create a continuous stretch of green scenery.

If you get tired, take a break at Mi Cafe, which is not far from the wedding photography base in Sanya Bay. You can enjoy local delicacies and the sea view here.

After satisfying your taste buds, be sure to watch Sanya's breathtaking sunset. When the remaining sunlight casts a golden glow onto the sea, the meeting point between the sea and the sky turns orange. This added with the silhouettes of the coconut trees creating a charming scene.

Mi Cafe. [Photo/Sanya tourism board]

2. Yazhou ancient town - Baoping village - Yazhou Central Fishing Port

Yazhou ancient town is over 1,000 years old.

After entering through the towering Wenming Gate, you can visit Dacheng Hall in the Yazhou Academy, which houses a comic book with illustrations documenting the life of Confucius.

When walking west along Yabao Road, turn into one of the small alleys marked with "Baoping Story" signs to arrive in Baoping village. This tranquil destination is marked with quaint alleys, weathered blue bricks and gray tiles, door arches and carved eaves, all of which tell a tale of profound history and culture.

If you still have energy, continue heading west to Yazhou Central Fishing Port in Sanya, where you'll find hundreds of blue and white fishing boats moored in the harbor. A lively atmosphere is created here with the sound of boat horns and fishermen energetically moving or packaging goods.

Baoping village. [Photo/Hainan Daily]

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